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How to modify a deliverable?

I want to modify a deliverable(Release) from the java API
I have the following but I'm getting an exception:
I have the following but I'm getting an exception:
IWorkItemCommon workItemService = (IWorkItemCommon) repository.getClientLibrary(IWorkItemCommon.class);
List<IDeliverable> releases = null;
releases = workItemService.findDeliverablesByProjectArea((IProjectArea) projectAreaWorkingCopy.getUnderlyingProcessItem().getWorkingCopy(),true,IDeliverable.DEFAULT_PROFILE,null);
for(IDeliverable release : releases){
release = workItemService.createDeliverable((IProjectArea) projectAreaWorkingCopy.getUnderlyingProcessItem().getWorkingCopy(), "New name", null);
//modify deliverable attributes here....
release = workItemService.saveDeliverable(release, null);
with this code I create another resource but, how could I modify an existent deliverable?