Requirements Management (RM) Converter application configuration on Windows server
We are using AIX platform for RM application 5.0 and Windows platform for conveter application (since converter don't support AIX platform) and using WAS as a application server. I am following the article for the installation on converter application using a delegated configuration option. I have below questions
1) Are the instructions in this above article applicable to v5.0?
2) Do we have to install anything on windows box where we are planning to deploy conveter application? How do i will have the directory CLMInstallDir/server/conf in windows if i don't install anything. Below is what mentioned in the article
Copy the CLMInstallDir/server/rrcweb directory from server1 to a similar location on server2.
3) Do i just have to create the blank directories such as C:\IBM\JazzTeamServer\Conf and provide this path (file:///C:/IBMJazzTeamServer/server/conf) as JAZZ_HOME for WAS profile.
3) How do i download conveter.war since i can't use the one from AIX environment as mentioned in the technote?
2 answers
The answers to your questions 2 - 4 are actually contained in the article you already found. The line where is says:
"Install the RM application on server1 by using IBM Installation Manager. If you plan to use WebSphere Application Server, complete additional steps to install it."
So you install just the RM (DNG/RRC) application to the Windows server, which then gives you your converter.war and your directory structure.
I am not aware of anything else being required for CLM 5.0.
Kind regards,
Essentially, yes.
As you're UNIX, you cannot copy the
directory from your AIX server to a similar location on Windows. So, I am afraid you need to get the converter.war to install and a webserver to run it in.
So, assuming you have a WebSphere on Windows to run this on, you just need the converter.war.
Otherwise you might want to just run this on Tomcat and remove the other .war files from the main install.