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Jazz Reporting Service: No widgets found

Timur Markunin (6495166146) | asked Jun 24 '14, 6:47 a.m.
edited Jul 09 '14, 4:51 a.m. by Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119)
I've installed and configured new JRS for CLM5.0. I have completed "Import ready-to-use queries & reports" JRS setup step but don't see widgets in new reports catalog.

Any ideas?

3 answers

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Henrik Westrell (1024) | answered Jul 09 '14, 4:44 a.m.
I have the same problem,  one thing I have not done is to add a datasource.
Is that really needed ? The info center mentioned it's required, however since I use derby it's not possible...
The following conditions must be met:
  • Jazz Reporting Service must be installed and registered as an application with the Jazz Team Server.
  • Jazz Reporting Service must be running.
  • A default data source must be configured for Jazz Reporting Service, and you must be connected to it.
  • You must have Jazz administrative privileges or be a report manager.

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Cherie Revells (18111) | answered Jul 14 '14, 9:39 a.m.

The first step would be to check for an error message in the rs.log file.  If the queries and reports failed to import there should be some sort of error in the log.

A data source is needed to import the reports, but this should have been created if you clicked the "Connect to Data Sources" button.  Check the Data Sources tab to see if one exists already.

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John Williams (7358) | answered Dec 03 '14, 5:57 p.m.
edited Dec 03 '14, 5:58 p.m.
This is an old post, so answering more for anyone who arrives here via search in trying to find answers...

If this happens, there is likely an issue with the "Friend" relationships between the individual CLM apps and JRS.  Instructions to do so follow but this type of issue should be resolved as the relationship between CLM and JRS tightens up in the future.

For each CLM app:
  1. Go to the admin page (rm/admin, ccm/admin, qm/admin)
  2. Click on Server in the top left
  3. Select the Friends (Outbound) link on the left side of the screen
  4. Add a friend, pointing to the Root Services URI of https://JRSservername:9443/rs/rootservices, fill in a name (like "JRS") and OAuth/secret (like "test") and click on Create Friend, Next, Finish
  5. After adding the friends for all 3 apps, go to the jts/admin page
  6. Click on Server in the top left
  7. Select the Consumers (Inbound) link on the left side of the screen; you should see three friend requests awaiting approval...
  8. Approve the three friend requests and click on Save.
  9. Try to add widgets to your dashboards


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