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During changeset delivery teamconcert client Ubuntu fails with no more handles

(can't run a later client because my server is @
RTC functions just fine until I try to deliver a changeset. When I do, I see the error shown below.
I've tried the shipped RTC client for eclipse and I've also tried adding RTC to Eclipse Indigo and Helios. In no case can I deliver anything successfully.
Any help appreciated
3 answers

ulimit reports ...
$ ulimit -n

Forgot to mention...
neither 12.04 nor 14.04 come with 32-bit library support out-of-the-box
For 12.04 I just installed ia32-libs.
For 14.04 I had to add i386 as an architecture, then do apt-get update following by an install ia32-libs.

Why not try the 64 bit RTC?

I only see a 32 bit download for the RTC client (plain zip) for Linux.
I have also tried installed RTC into an existing 64-bit Eclipse Indigo and have seen similar problems with handles.

Please try work around from following article: https://jazz.net/library/article/952

Unfortunately, none of the packages suggested as workarounds exist in Ubuntu 14.04

There seems to be more than one workaround in that article. I picked one of them and installed Eclipse Juno 4.2 64-bit and set -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.UseWebKitGTK=true in the eclipse.ini (not sure if that was necessary). A webkit+ was installed with the OS. ulimit -n reports 65536.
I still saw "no more handles" errors while trying to deliver.
For me, the only combination that allows me to deliver is installing the RTC client on an old Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit system. That did work but, so far, no 64-bit Ubuntu has worked.

Kind of stuck here.
Should I open a defect ?
or perhaps TeamConcert client isn't supported on Ubuntu 64-bit ?
sam detweiler
Jun 23 '14, 9:25 a.m.rtc requires you to increase the number of handles configuration on *IX.
I had to on 12.04
David Ward
Jun 23 '14, 11:58 a.m.Thank you for that advice. I did make the limits.conf update as described, rebooted, but the failure still occurs :-(
sam detweiler
Jun 23 '14, 10:29 a.m.what does ulimit -n show for your logged on userid?
also I have seen problems reported that are solved by updating xulrunner