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Doors webaccess issue

Don Max (241634) | asked Jun 17 '14, 10:43 p.m.
edited Jun 18 '14, 3:45 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)
I have installed and configured DOORS 9.5 v9.5.2 and DOORS web access v9.5.2 in RHEL 6.2.
while starting the interop (./doors9 -intero p-------) am getting the below error.

IBM Rational DOORS has not been correctly installed.  The MainWin installation
is not present at the expected location /opt/DOORS_Database_Server/mw/arch.

Doors installed location  /opt/DOORS_Database_Server/
DWA installed location /opt/DOORS

Please suggest


Accepted answer

permanent link
Maeve OReilly (3813) | answered Jun 18 '14, 3:33 a.m.
Hi Joe,

Is /opt/DOORS_Database_Server/mw/arch there?  There should be a bin directory as well with a doors.exe.   If they exist, check permissions. 
From your namings, I would guess the interop has not been installed, only the database server.

Also I would suggest you use developerworks or a PMR.  DWA is not a jazz product, this isn't a good forum for it.

Don Max selected this answer as the correct answer

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