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doors trace report doesn't show test plan

Peter Osborne (2921719) | asked Mar 01 '13, 8:58 a.m.
retagged Mar 21 '13, 5:26 p.m. by Chenyue Gao (913)

I have added requirement collection link from module in DOORS to my test plan.  I have then created validated by links to my test cases.  When I run the RQM trace report in doors I get the following info...

QM V2 Test Plan Query Results


This is not what I am expecting, I should be seeing the test plan name.  I have run this report on a different module and got ...

Test Plan1


I have set up everything the same way, so why am I not getting the correct info?

One answer

permanent link
Suraj Amasebail (1111) | answered Jun 05 '13, 11:20 a.m.
We are experiencing the same in one of the module and opened the defect on the same
Defect 88535

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