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Is there a way to disable all together the confirmation check-in changes?

Daniel Ruebush (9715987) | asked Jun 17 '14, 2:42 p.m.
While delivering the changes to a Stream, users get this message


All the local workspace files (jars, etc....) are delivering to the Stream when people are clicking on Yes button. 
Is it possible to skip this message altogether other than "Remember this decision"? 

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jun 17 '14, 3:32 p.m.
There's a preference to set the default option (yes, no, or cancel). See the menu: Window > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > Notification Dialogs > Default action when delivering while there are unresolved changes.

Your other option that I think makes the most sense is to add those unresolved files to the ignore list.

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