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Can i use report birt in java application??

Giuseppe Gravina (379) | asked Jun 04 '14, 9:16 a.m.


I would like to implement the following things:

Create a BIRT report to obtain some information, for example:


10          test10

20          test20

30          test30

- Use BIRT TABLE ( dataset results ) and create in a java application an objects List,  where every object has their fields initializated with the values of the birt Report, for example:

Java object1' fields initialized with the values of the row number 1 ( 10, test10),

Java object2' fields initialized with the values of the row number 2 ( 20, test20),

Java object3' fields initialized with the values of the row number 3 ( 30, test30).

Is It possible? Can you help me please??



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