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Create and Print from Module Screen: Linked attributes on Screen

Tony Kwa (201022) | asked Jan 28 '16, 7:59 p.m.
We are finding the "Format" option very useful when using links in Format views.  But the problem is that the "Create and Print" Option does not include any of the choices made.  Is this intended functionality?  So the Create and Print  from the module view screen does not have the same data as what we see on screen.  Link Columns only display as the Assigned ID and Artefact Name in the document.

Assuming that is the case - is it possible to generate a print out of  exactly the attributes we want  by creating a Rational Publisihing Engine Report.  i.e. Can we access attributes from the linked artefact in an RPE report?

Donald Nong commented Feb 01 '16, 12:41 a.m.

The print function happens on the server side and only takes few options from the client side. It is impossible to print to the same format as arranged on the client side on the fly. I believe you can use RPE to create new report templates to achieve this, but I'm not an RPE expert so I won't make further comments. You can open a new post with subject "how do I use RPE to ..." to attract more attention.

Tony Kwa commented Feb 01 '16, 1:45 a.m.

Thanks.  We are just exploring how to use RPE  this week so this looks hopeful.

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