Display error in Design Management 4.0.5: stereotype in german language
we are using Design Management 4.0.5 and Rational Software Architect 8.5
I have imported models that were created in RSA to the Design Management server. Everything now works fine, except one little Exception: One stereotpye term is displayed in german language in DM. The element that is displayed wrong is of type "UML-StructuredActivityNode". In the diagram it should be displayed as "<<structured>> ...". In RSA it is displayed correct. In DM it is displayed with german language: "<<strukturiert>>".
All other classes, stereotypes are displayed correct with english language.
The whole DM server is installed with english language. Everything (menus, text, etc.) is displayed correct in english language.
Is there a way to fix that?
Best regards
One answer
IBM provided a solution to solve this problem:
If you are using Tomcat, then you can :
1. stop the server
2. go to the <DM_install_dir>\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rsadm\eclipse\configuration(for example by default on Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\rsadm\eclipse\configuration)
3. edit the config.ini file (make a copy before)
4. add at the end of the file the following:
5. save the file
6. restart the server
7. reimport your model
That worked fine for me. Now everything is displayed in english. I didn´t even needed to re-import the model. Just a restart of the server was needed.
Best regards
Anthony Kesterton
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 27 '14, 4:19 a.m.Sounds like a defect - I would raise it directly with support (but please tell us how you fixed it afterwards :-)
Francois-xavier Panaget
May 27 '14, 4:29 a.m.Hi Christian,
Yes please open a support ticket so we can have a further look which via the forum can be challenging.