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Log in failed - Error 409 RTC

I´m setting up a new connection to RTC from a new workspace in my IDE. (I already have another workspace working well with RTC plugin for Eclipse)
When I try to login, I get this message:
CRJAZ1247I The request to the server failed. The server returned the http error 409 with error text "Conflict".
The server is working properly, and when I return to my previous workspace to connect, the connection is successful.
Any Idea??
Thanks and regards
Donald Nong
May 19 '14, 8:50 p.m.You should be able to locate the error in ccm.log. It may provide more details for you to investigate.
Arun K Sriramaiah
May 20 '14, 4:58 a.m.Hi Lilian,
Please try to start the your eclipse with -clean option and verify.
Find the error information from .log also it might help for investigation.