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Finding List of artifactType in RQM

Meenakshi Marimuthu (1113) | asked May 13 '14, 3:30 p.m.
Is there any way to find out list of artifactType in RQM? I need this information to copy "archived test scripts" from one project area to another.

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered May 14 '14, 3:00 a.m.
Hi Meenakshi,

Do you want to find the various types of TestScripts (Manual, Rational Functional Tester, Commandline scripts etc) or you want to know what all types of artifacts exists (TestPlan, TestSuites, TestCases, etc)


Meenakshi Marimuthu commented May 14 '14, 9:02 a.m.

I need to migrate test artifacts from one RQM instance to another on a different server. I was able to migrate Test suite, test case, test scripts, keywords etc. by building a script and running it using the RQM copy utility. But I need to know how to migrate archived test scripts also from RQM. To do this, I need to add artifactType or name in the script but I dont know what is it called in the system.

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