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Re: RTC Client unexpectedly exits on Fedora 10 x86_64

Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | asked Apr 08 '09, 6:03 a.m.
Below is a link to a TechNote related to xulrunner issue:


Jared Burns a crit :
On Tue, 07 Apr 2009 07:28:04 +0000, colinc wrote:
Any suggestions about how I can fix the problem will be gratefully

Sorry, I haven't seen anything like this before.

Random stab in the dark - do you have an up-to-date version of xulrunner
installed? The first thing the workbench tries to do is show a welcome
page that I believe is rendered as a webpage.

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Colin Coates (9121) | answered Apr 08 '09, 8:52 a.m.
Thanks for the information, Eric!

I note that both the xulrunner bugs are marked as fixed on the Eclipse site.

I downloaded "eclipse-SDK-3.4.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz" from the Eclipse site, and installed that into a "/opt/eclipse" directory.

I then installed RTC Client into the existing Eclipse 3.4.2 installation. This seems to be working fine for me.

Kind Regards,

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