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RTC - Flow targets

Dhruva Kumar (533032) | asked Apr 27 '14, 11:09 p.m.
Hi All,

I have two stream, stream A, Stream B, Stream A is development stream, stream B is for build and release activity.

Want to changes from stream A to stream B, in stream B, added stream A as flow targets,  but the changes are not reflecting in stream B, still stream B shows old baslines, whereas stream A having more baseline.

Created one workspace for Stream B, in that workspace, added stream A as flow targets, it shows all latest changes and baselines, but when checked the same in RTC server that, project area -> Source Control-> Streams, stream B, all latest baselines are not reflecting.

sam detweiler commented Apr 27 '14, 11:30 p.m.

Just because you have the targets set does not make the changes flow. You must do deliver operations to flow changes from A to B. 

Dhruva Kumar commented Apr 27 '14, 11:48 p.m.

Development team delivers their code in stream A, when created local workspace for stream B,added stream A in flow target, changes made in stream A, will appear as incoming changes, accepted the changes from stream A, able to see latest baselines, but new latest baselines for Stream B is not reflecting, that is under project area -> Source Control -> Streams. How can get those latest baselines.

Dhruva Kumar commented Apr 28 '14, 12:31 a.m.

in development streams, base lines were created by build(snapshot created by automate build). these baselines are not updating in stream B. Please provide suggestions.

Dhruva Kumar commented Apr 28 '14, 12:50 a.m.

got the solution, now stream reflecting latest baselines.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 28 '14, 3:24 a.m.

Please provide your solution as answer and I will accept it.

Accepted answer

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Dhruva Kumar (533032) | answered Apr 28 '14, 3:29 a.m.
Right click on target stream show -> Pending changes, shows all incoming changes.After accepting the incoming changes able to see all latest baselines.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

sam detweiler commented Apr 28 '14, 8:34 a.m. | edited Apr 28 '14, 8:38 a.m.


Deliver if looking from A -> B,

or Accept if looking from B->A

without a workspace in between you must deliver/accept all changes
using an intermediate workspace allows you to be selective (within constraints of course)

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