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Workitem custome field HideifEmpty does not work at Eclipse client

Bin Yang (725) | asked Apr 25 '14, 8:11 p.m.
I am using RTC 4.0.3.

I have one attribute presentation set to:
Read Only     True
Hide if Empty     True
Hide on Creation   True

This attribute is for migrating jira issue  to RTC.  I don't want this attribute (field) show up when creating new workitem at RTC.

At Web UI, it works fine.

Eclipse client, this attribute does not show up as expected at creation page.  But after the workitem is saved, this field shows up.

Could this be a RTC bug?


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 26 '14, 3:06 a.m.
yes, this is likely to be a bug in 4.0.3 RTC Eclipse client. I see the same behavior in 403 but not in 405 and 406 Eclipse clients. I could not locate a known defect workitem. it could be indirectly fixed by other issues in 405 and 406. you may want to upgrade to latest version  if the issue is significant to you.
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