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Is there an actual way in RAM to fully prevent assets with duplicate names?

Chris Ratcliffe (2633330) | asked Apr 17 '14, 1:38 p.m.
I know the Unique Asset Name workflow policy can be used to prevent state transitions of assets that have duplicate names.  However, users can still:

1. create an asset with a duplicate name
2. change the name, perform the state tranisiton, and then change the name back again to the duplicate name

I know number 1 is a product limitation, but number 2 seems strange.  There doesn't seem to be any way to enforce restriction when an asset is simply modified (as opposed to a state change).  Am I missing something?

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Lin Lu (3063) | answered Apr 17 '14, 9:39 p.m.
Hi Chris,

RAM has no restriction on asset name till this moment. If asset has another version number, mostly user would not change the name, hence the new version asset could keep the old name.

Unique name policy is a extension for that needs. If you need set the policy trigger condition to asset save, once asset is update, the policy will launch.


Chris Ratcliffe commented Apr 18 '14, 9:17 a.m.

Thank you for the response Lin.  Could you please clarify what you mean by your last sentence:  "If you need set the policy trigger condition to asset save, once asset is update, the policy will launch".  I have setup my Unique Name policy to launch on Asset Save.  However, it says specifically that the only exit condition is the Publish action.  There doesn't seem to be anyway to indicate that it should trigger on a simple modify action.

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