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When we use "Glossaries" ?

Natsumi Yokoyama (209387101) | asked Apr 15 '14, 10:46 p.m.

When we use  "Glossaries" ?
If we want to use "look up term", what we should do is only to set a certain artifact type as "Use artifacts of this type as glossary terms"?
"Glossaries" is equal to create a filter that displays certain artifacts by artifact types and attributes?

Thank you in advance.


Accepted answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 16 '14, 12:07 a.m.
The answer to the first question is yes and is more than yes to the 2nd question.
So when and how to use Glossaries in RRC/DNG project? I found the below article explain that well in details:

Natsumi Yokoyama selected this answer as the correct answer

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