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Jazz Build Engine fails with Access Denied error

Francisco Rodriguez (561528) | asked Apr 15 '14, 12:52 p.m.
I requested a build and got the following log:

2014-04-14 19:44:28 [Jazz build engine] running on host: HOSTNAME
2014-04-14 19:44:28 [Jazz build engine] Should build occur?
2014-04-14 19:44:28 [Jazz build engine] Yes: Always build a user initiated request.
2014-04-14 19:44:29 [Jazz build engine] Invoking pre-build participant ""
2014-04-14 19:44:29 [Jazz build engine] Accepting changes into workspace "Builds" ...
2014-04-14 19:44:29 [Jazz build engine] Deleting fetch destination "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\fetched" before fetching ...
2014-04-14 19:44:30 [Jazz build engine] Fetching files to fetch destination "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\fetched" ...$3: Status ERROR: code=0 There were errors during download.  It is recommended that components be reloaded.  The reload will be incremental, loading only the missing items.  You can further reduce the reload time by reloading just the projects out of sync. null children=[Status ERROR: code=0 Failed to download /application/WebRoot/static/util/doSomeStuff.ocx Error while writing to /application/WebRoot/static/util/doSomeStuff.ocx : C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\fetched\application\WebRoot\static\util\doSomeStuff2.ocx (Access is denied.) Status ERROR: code=0 Failed to download /application/WebRoot/static/util/doSomething.ocx 

I also got some and Access denied logs.

According to this:

I should "Verify that the user launching the build has Operating System permissions for full write access to both the working directory where the Jazz Build Engine resides, as well as the user's home directory path as indicated in the Environment variable USER_PROFILE"  

My question is, how to achieve this above? I don't know how to set full write permissions nor how to set the USER_PROFILE variable.

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Apr 15 '14, 7:07 p.m.
Hi Francisco,

It looks you are on Windows system. So you can use command "echo %HOME%" to check where is the home directory.

For the access denied error, if you are using Windows 7 or Windows 2008, you may have problem to download files from RTC to sub-directories under "C:\Program Files (x86)\" . You can try to change the load directory to some other directory such as "c:\build", which is defined in the build definition.

In addition, you can test if you can load the Jazz files to the same sandbox directly without JBE,
Francisco Rodriguez selected this answer as the correct answer

Francisco Rodriguez commented Apr 15 '14, 7:19 p.m.
Hi Lily,

You were right, I changed the load directory and it worked.  

Thanks a lot!

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