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Is 4.0.6 Build Engines Compatable for CLM V 5.0.2 ?

Ashwath G (6623951) | asked Nov 02 '15, 6:52 a.m.
Hello All,

We are up garding the CLM Application from 4.0.6 to 5.0.2 . Do we need to upgrade all the build engines as part of the up grade or can 4.0.6 JBE supports for CLM 5.0.2 ?

My client is having multiple build engines configured on multiple servers.

If up grade is required do we have some up garde script for JBE's as well?

Kindly advice on this topic.

Thank You...!

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 02 '15, 7:09 a.m.
You should always use the JBE that is shipped with the server. Although JBE 4.0.6 should work with the 5.0.2 server, upgrade it as soon as you can after the server upgrade.

There are no complex upgrade steps required. Install the new version on the build machines and start the new jbe istead of the old one. If you made changes to the JBE.ini, make sure to bring them over to the new JBE.ini file.

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