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Can I have a pre-defined list of approvers when creating work items that "Required Approvals"

Lewis Tsao (2174963) | asked Apr 09 '14, 12:18 a.m.

Currently when creating work items that require approvals, the list of approvers need to be created manually. Is there a way of populating this list automatically?

I prefer not to use work item templates.

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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Apr 09 '14, 12:37 a.m.
To my knowledge, there is no way to configure RTC to create required approval records (with or without the approvers).  If there is .. please let me know!

We are doing this in two ways:
1) via a work item template for one specific use case where the approvers are a static list AND the work item type is not that often used (project area change requests) because creation of a work item using a template doesn't work the way that most people would logically think (it doesn't put up the work item to allow someone to fill in the rest of the information but just creates it and then shows it in the Work Items View).
2) via Server Side Participants on the WorkItemSave action.


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