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lscm daemon cmdline - concurrency and context

Dennis Behm (3821415) | asked Apr 07 '14, 8:38 a.m.

I have some basic questions regarding the LSCM cmdline on a unix environment.

1) Can a daemon serve several requests at the same time (concurrency) from different shell environments?

2) Lets suspect I have a pool of several daemons, how do I tell my script, which daemon it should use? I have not seen any hint within the infocenter. Is it ensured, that the logic I have in my script is kept?


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Shashikant Padur (4.2k27) | answered Apr 07 '14, 11:48 p.m.
1) No the daemon will wait for the initial request to complete before working on the next request.
2) Each daemon typically works against a single sandbox. If you run the commands from within the sandbox directory (either by stepping into the directory or running the commands with -d option), the daemon registered for that sandbox will be used. If it is run outside of the sandbox, it will look for a daemon that does not have any sandbox registered and use that daemon. If not a new daemon is launched.

You cannot specify manually to the cli tool which daemon to use. 

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