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maven with RTC can a script be executed

mehul Prajapati (18125554) | asked May 18 '15, 2:25 p.m.

Trying to automate the maven build with RTC I am haviing some questions

1. while fetching the source it is loading all the folders except pom.xml ( when we do manaully we have optin to load the eclipse project) how can we achieve this in build definition ?

2. can we execute a script say a shell script instead on maven commands ? build definition  under maven tab i see fields  Project location and Goals

3. we need to do a post deployment how can we handle that say after compilation copy the binaries to target server:location ? does this need to be handled in pom.xml itself ?


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 19 '15, 3:45 a.m.
1. I don't understand the question, however, for a build, you don't necessarily need the eclipse project loaded as such. It is just data on the disk that you can use to run a build on it.
2. You can configure the build with different options

Maven is just one option. You can also decide to use ANT or a batch file to control the build. If you do so, you can use any build support tool and start it from there. You will have to come up with a way to control the build process e.g. by passing build properties as environment variables.
3. There are options for post build that are built in, but you can also use your own ways to copy the data if you need to. You can do also automation using the API. See for what you could try.

Your version is very old, we are at 5.2 approaching 6.0 you should consider to upgrade. some capabilities might not be available to you.

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