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Error encountered running upgrade scripts for CLM (4.0.5 to 5.0 M3)

When referring to the draft upgrade guide for CLM 5.0 M3 (beta) found here:


I ran the upgrade scripts for step 12.  the JTS upgrade script succeeded.  However, the CCM and QM upgrade scripts did not succeed.  Instead, the following errors quoted below were encountered.  I realize this was encountered for a beta release.  However, the steps contained in the draft upgrade instructions are very similar to established upgrade procedures for prior releases.  Has this issue been encountered before?  And if so, does anybody know the resolution?

Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
        WorkItem Migration Status . See the log file "
\server\repotools-qm_addTables.log" for details.
                Synchronization . See the log file "<QM_5.0M3_install_dir>\server\repotools-qm_addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYN
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<QM_5.0M3_install_dir>\server\repotools-qm_
addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYi
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<QM_5.0M3_install_dir>\server\repotools-qm_
addTables.log" for details.
                Synchronization . See the log file "
\server\repotools-qm_addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYN
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<QM_5.0M3_install_dir>\server\repotools-qm_
addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYi
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<QM_5.0M3_install_dir>\server\repotools-qm_
addTables.log" for details.


0 votes

5 answers

Permanent link
Hi Gail,

By adding one user and one admin account to every project, I completed the CCM upgrade script successfully.  However, the RQM script still throws these similar errors.  I have attached the results below.  Any additional ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I am continuing to investigate on my end.

Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rational.test.lm"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.template"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.planning"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.buildintegration"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.workitem.query"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.workitem"...
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does no
t appear in the context tables.
        WorkItem Migration Status . See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\se
rver\repotools-qm_addTables.log" for details.
                Synchronization . See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\serv
er\repotools-qm_addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYN
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\server\repotools-qm_addTables
.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYi
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\server\repotools-qm_addTables
.log" for details.
                Synchronization . See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\serv
er\repotools-qm_addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1nku0PYN
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_1nku0PYNEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\server\repotools-qm_addTables
.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_2uAl4vYi
EeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_2uAl4vYiEeKj3LsfCZ7wRA", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 Directory>\server\repotools-qm_addTables
.log" for details.
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.process"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.execution"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.defects"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.workitem.linkClosure"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.keyword"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.print"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.markers"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.jfs.resource"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.links"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.interop"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.reports"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository.friends"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.rqm.requirement"...
Running post addTables for "Interop ClearQuest Manager Migration Handler"...
Running post addTables for "Full Text Migration Handler"...
Running post addTables for "Interop WorkItem Manager Migration Handler"...
The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "//localhost:1433;databaseName=C
CRJAZ1791E The migration completed with errors. The imported database is unstabl
e and should not be used without further analysis.

The qm upgrade failed at step 1.  Correct the problem and run the script again s
tarting at step 1.

The only difference in the upgrade process followed this time was when I updated the statistics of four tables:


Could there be anything else that might be causing this issue?


Jacob Huang

1 vote


----- EDIT -----

There was one other difference with this upgrade.  This time, we were upgrading directly from instead of from 4.0.5.

Permanent link
 HI Jacob -

The upgrade from 4.X to 5.X includes the separation of RM storage from the JTS. This requires that you make a copy of the JTS database to establish it as the new RM database and run a number of repotools commands. These repotools commands will be wrapped into a single script later in the release but as of Sprint 3, we are having everyone run them individually. We try to alert people to the latest information on the Upgrading tab of the Product Download pages. For example: Rational Team Concert 5.0M3 Upgrading Tab The InfoCenter has not yet been updated.

However, I am not sure this is the cause of the error you are seeing. Can you retry the upgrade and post again with the details? Thanks!

Gail Burati

0 votes

Permanent link
 Hi Gail,

I attempted to restart the the upgrade taking your suggestion to create a copy of the JTS database.  This did not work.  I continue to receive similar errors when running the CCM upgrade script.  I have included a copy of the errors received in "Step 1" of the upgrade script below.  I would be grateful for any suggestions pertaining to this issue in CCM.

Step 1: Add tables

Directory: "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\server"
    repotools-ccm.bat -addTables

Enter [E] to execute this step, [S] to skip it or hit [Enter] to cancel the scri
pt execution:

Repo Tools
Provisioning using "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\server\conf\ccm\provision_profiles"
  Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries, Version 5.0 M3 (RJF-I20140227-2357)
  Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries, Version 5.0 M3 (RTC-I201

 To submit questions about issues, go to the Jazz.net forum at https://jazz.net/
 To find more information about a message, see the CLM Messages Information Cent
er at
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/ccm/teamserver.properties".

CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
CRJAZ2558I Setting the local server rename state to false and the openServerDesc
riptionServiceTemporarily state to false.
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "//loc
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful:
 Db Product Name: Microsoft SQL Server
  Db Product Version: 11.00.2100
  Db URL: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=CLM_CCM;user=xxxxxxxx;pas
  Jdbc Driver Name: Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Server
  Jdbc Driver Version: 4.0.2206.100
CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with:
  Public URI: "https://nwap9006.nnics.cjis:9443/ccm"
  Jazz Team Server location: "https://nwap9006.nnics.cjis:9443/jts/"
CRJAZ2523I Setting the global server rename state to false and the validation st
ate to false.
CRJAZ2105I Checking for a running server...

WARNING: You are about to update the tables for the database "//localhost:1433;d
This action cannot be undone.  Do you wish to continue?  Enter Y to confirm.
Adding tables to the database "//localhost:1433;databaseName=CLM_CCM;user=xxxxxx
CRJAZ1442I The component model of "com.ibm.team.scm" was updated from "0.42" to
CRJAZ1438I A new attribute "historyGraphNode" was added to class "com.ibm.team.s
CRJAZ1438I A new attribute "creationDate" was added to class "com.ibm.team.scm.c
CRJAZ1438I A new attribute "historyGraphNode" was added to class "com.ibm.team.s
CRJAZ1438I A new attribute "historyGraphNode" was added to class "com.ibm.team.s
CRJAZ1441I A new component model for "com.ibm.team.vvc" was added.
CRJAZ1442I The component model of "com.ibm.team.build" was updated from "13" to
CRJAZ1440I A new type "BuildFolder" was added.
CRJAZ1440I A new type "BuildFolderEntry" was added.
CRJAZ1442I The component model of "com.ibm.team.jfs.resource" was updated from "
3" to "8".
CRJAZ1438I A new attribute "changeId" was added to class "com.ibm.team.jfs.resou
CRJAZ1440I A new type "Configuration" was added.
CRJAZ1440I A new type "Version" was added.
CRJAZ8192I: Full-text Index Location: <CLM 5.0 install dir>\server\conf\ccm\i
CRJAZ2690I New type handler "ChangeHistoryTypeHandler" found for item type "Chan
geHistory".  Item DB ID = 30.
CRJAZ2690I New type handler "HistoricBasisTypeHandler" found for item type "Hist
oricBasis".  Item DB ID = 36.
CRJAZ2694I Starting online migration for the following models: {"com.ibm.team.bu
CRJAZ2693I Running online migration on 0 item states.  0 previously processed.
2 new type handlers.
CRJAZ2691I No more items to process.
CRJAZ2739I No state migration failures occurred during online migration.
CRJAZ2687I Online migration finished.
CRJAZ2696I Starting post-online-migration tasks.
CRJAZ2684I Cleaning table ITEM_STATES.
CRJAZ2740I Removed 0 deleted items from table ITEM_STATES in 140ms.
CRJAZ2683I Cleaned table ITEM_STATES in 156ms.
CRJAZ2684I Cleaning table ITEM_CURRENTS.
CRJAZ2740I Removed 0 deleted items from table ITEM_CURRENTS in 47ms.
CRJAZ2683I Cleaned table ITEM_CURRENTS in 47ms.
CRJAZ2684I Cleaning table ITEM_TYPES.
CRJAZ2740I Removed 0 deleted items from table ITEM_TYPES in 31ms.
CRJAZ2683I Cleaned table ITEM_TYPES in 31ms.
CRJAZ2684I Cleaning table JAZZ.PROPERTIES.
CRJAZ2683I Cleaned table JAZZ.PROPERTIES in 0ms.
CRJAZ2689I Post-online migration finished.
The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "//localhost:1433;databaseName=CL
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository"...
CRJAZ2661I The database will now be searched for private contexts missing self r
eferences. Any missing references will be repaired.
Added self references to 0 contexts in 0 ms.
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.foundation.wiki"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.process"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.apt.resource"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository.auth"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.workitem.query"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.scm"...

Running post addTables for "com.ibm.teamz.supa.admin"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.scm.svn"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.apt"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.workitem"...
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1fwqEvYiEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_4PZssPYNEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1fwqEvYiEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does no
t appear in the context tables.
Items with a protected read access policy must use a valid context that appears
in the context tables.  The provided context, "_4PZssPYNEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does no
t appear in the context tables.
        WorkItem Migration Status . See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\s
erver\repotools-ccm_addTables.log" for details.
                Synchronization . See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\ser
ver\repotools-ccm_addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1fwqEvYi
EeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_1fwqEvYiEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\server\repotools-ccm_addTabl
es.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_4PZssPYN
EeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_4PZssPYNEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\server\repotools-ccm_addTabl
es.log" for details.
                Synchronization . See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\ser
ver\repotools-ccm_addTables.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_1fwqEvYi
EeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_1fwqEvYiEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\server\repotools-ccm_addTabl
es.log" for details.
                        Items with a protected read access policy must use a val
id context that appears in the context tables.  The provided context, "_4PZssPYN
EeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context tables. Items with a protected r
ead access policy must use a valid context that appears in the context tables.
The provided context, "_4PZssPYNEeKx3pPbAVRPqw", does not appear in the context
tables.. See the log file "<CLM 5.0 install dir>\server\repotools-ccm_addTabl
es.log" for details.
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.workitem.linkClosure"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.build"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.markers"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.jfs.resource"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.links"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.interop"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.teami.scm"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.reports"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.filesystem"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.apt.snapshot"...
Running post addTables for "com.ibm.team.repository.friends"...
Running post addTables for "SCM Work Items Bridge Migration Handler"...
Running post addTables for "Interop ClearQuest Manager Migration Handler"...
Running post addTables for "Interop WorkItem Manager Migration Handler"...
Running post addTables for "Full Text Migration Handler"...
The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "//localhost:1433;databaseName=C
CRJAZ1791E The migration completed with errors. The imported database is unstabl
e and should not be used without further analysis.

The ccm upgrade failed at step 1.  Correct the problem and run the script again
starting at step 1.

0 votes

Permanent link
 Hi Jacob -

You are hitting  repotools -addTables error upgrading - an issue with upgrading archived projects with no members. You can workaround this issue by adding a member or an admin to the archived projects. We hope to fix this issue soon - see Investigate an active migration fix for defect 262994.

Let me know if that solves your issue and if you hit anything else - thanks!


0 votes

Permanent link
 Hi Jacob - 

I'm afraid I can't help with this one - the best thing will be for you to open a PMR, For information on creating a PMR see How do I create a PMR? Good Luck!


0 votes

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Question asked: Mar 11 '14, 5:12 p.m.

Question was seen: 7,256 times

Last updated: Apr 03 '14, 10:41 p.m.

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