How can a ReqIF Spec-Object ID be located using the numeric RRC Requirement Artifact ID?
Accepted answer
I was coming around to the same conclusion. A specific server maps the SPEC-OBJECT identifiers to its on internal representation in a local database. The only solution left is that some attribute [Text, Integer] in the XML data is unique enough to be able to locate the assigned RRC ID on each specific server instance.
One other answer
If you are considering a round-trip update, why not just import the modified ReqIF file? As long as you don't touch any of the identifier (UUID) in the file, the artifacts in the ReqIF file will get updated.
I am able to do a round-trip update by modifying the RecIF file. The problem is that the user community uses the numeric RRC IDs to request changes to the Artifacts and Attributes in the ReqIF file. A Cognos report can be generated that displays the External ID "f027c00496c763d971fe55a667eef2b1", The requirement Name "View Group Prior Benefit Package - CSP", External Key 1 "82610" (This is the normal numeric RRC ID), and the External Key 2 "_t_n1G0aVEeO_88aYXvFvZQ". The External Key 2 is the same as the Key in the URL I can't find any of these Key IDs in the ReqIf file. Is there any way to use the Cognos report to relate them? Currently I try to match the Requirement Name with the XHTML Name value in the ReqIF XML to find the correct SPEC-BJECT to update. The issue with the Name is to insure that it is always unique - not easy.
Any additional insight would be appreciated on being able to use a Cognos report to match the SPEC-OBJECT with the numeric RRC ID.