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does rational team concert merge xml files if so can we turn it off on specific components from merging the xml files?

jeanie Keen (132123) | asked Feb 20 '14, 11:35 a.m.

does rational team concert merge xml files if so can we turn it off on specific components from merging the xml files and do a straight replace?

I found things on the merge but i have not found a link that tells me how the merges are done in RTC. 

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 20 '14, 12:56 p.m.
Whenever there is a conflict creating when accepting changes into a workspace, you are given the option of what to do ... try an "auto-merge", replace with mine, replace with proposed, or resolve the conflict in a merge tool.   I am not aware of any way to say "automatically do one of these things for this component".

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