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jazz/setup and /jazz/admin questions

Henry Li (111) | asked Mar 20 '09, 12:27 p.m.
My first question is regarding the /jazz/setup page. I am on the last step "Setup User Registry" selected "Non LDAP", when I clicked next it has the error " An error occured while saving the configuration properties. Please check your server log for more details."

I already ensured my custom properties don't have any space in the pathes. JDK fixpack21 is installed.

Does anyone know what might cause this error?

It is the problem i had, and now when I try to go to jazz/admin or jazz/setup i have another error "The user UNKNOWN is not authorized to access the Jazz Team Server Admin UI" What should I do to make my admin user authorized?

Thank you.

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Henry Li (111) | answered Mar 20 '09, 1:34 p.m.
please ignore the second problem ""The user UNKNOWN is not authorized to access the Jazz Team Server Admin UI"". That is caused by checking the "application security" check box.
however, it is telling that I do not have a jazz user.

And now the major problem is probably that I do not have an admin user for my JAZZ. when I login to /jazz/admin i am automatically login as a guess. Does anyone know how I can create or import a user?

On "repository permissions" : Notice: you are using a directory service that is not writable. User roles cannot be modified.

Question is, how may I create a jazz admin user who is authorized to do the jazz/setup and everthing else?

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