jts/setup "The user ID you logged in with is not recognizable"
Now for the first time I am launching https://<my serverName>:29443/jts/setup
We're Sorry...
"Try again using the new admin user" ???? Can someone clarify what/how I can proceed? Thx. Tosh.
7 answers
Problem: I encountered this problem while setting up Doors NG 7.0.1 with Jazz Authorization server and SSO (Single Sign On). The problem occurred at 8th step of custom setup of JTS, i.e. the step where registered applications (CCM, QM or RM etc) are being setup. I setup LDAP as user registry and I was continuing the setup using an LDAP user.
I'm sorry, the server is now up, and having read the technote again, I have to say it doesn't apply to your scenario, as it's only applicable for WAS. I will therefore delete the original answer to avoid confusion, but include the link to the technote below for future reference:
To work around this, add the user ADMIN to your current user repository (LDAP or whatever the WAS profile is using). After the initialization is done in JTS, you can remove the ADMIN from the user repository and disable it in JTS.
Hi All,
To Re-enable admin access follow these steps.
Note: For other Jazz based products such as Rational Quality Manager and Rational Requirements Composer, file path for teamserver.properties could be different.
to: com.ibm.team.repository.ws.allow.admin.access=true
< user username =" ADMIN " password =" b521caa6e1db82e5a01c924a419870cb72b81635 " />
< user username =" ADMIN " password =" b521caa6e1db82e5a01c924a419870cb72b81635 " roles =" JazzAdmins " />
Thanks for all the replies, The problem got resolved.., Earlier, I had mapped only LDAP groups, when I map user from LDAP it worked, the reason was by default the JTS synchronisation with LDAP is 48 hours, I then reduced it to 15 mins. Now I am able to login as any user from that group
Hope this solution works fr others too
Mapping users is not the right solution, it is possible that the WAS filters are not setup correctly, of the users are not mapped to the target jazz groups in the LDAP repository.
PS. The values in the Example I provide may not be good for your system, please work with your LDAP admin to determine the proper values.
Feb 16 '14, 9:11 p.m.What user are you trying to log in as?