How to upgrade data warehouse when upgrading to 4.0.5?
Hi Team,
I am trying to upgrade CLM (JTS + CCM) from 4.0 to 4.0.5.. I have gone through the interactive installation guide and it says we need to The addTables and upgradeWarehouse command will update the databases to the version 4.0.5 formats.
But I don't see the steps given for the same in the guide. Also when Do I have to do this step ?
Thanks in advance
One answer
Following scripts:
upgrade\jts\jts_upgrade.bat -oldJTSHome JTS_4.0.0.x_install_dir\server\conf
upgrade\ccm\ccm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome CCM_4.0.0.x_install_dir\server\conf
upgrade\qm\qm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome QM_4.0.0.x_install_dir\server\conf
upgrade\rm\rm_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome RM_4.0.0.x_install_dir\server\conf
Should upgrade data warehouse as well as doing another operations (update config files, upgrade application schemas etc).
Let us know if that helps.
Hi Varun,
You have asked another question in this topic. I have moved that question and answered it to