Unable to deliver to rtc using scm command line tool
2 answers
Open your Project Area in the Eclipse Client (open as in to modify/view the project configuration). Go to Team Configuration and then Operation Behavior. See what conditions might be on the Deliver actions.
I'd still wonder if the Operation Behavior isn't in play. Both messages have the phrase:
In order for this operation to run without this precondition, the team must configure it as "optional".
@yzwkzfn these operations are required. Part of my question was do you know how to install these plugins via the command line tool? is there a place I can download the classes missing?
Caveat: I've never delivered outside of UI.
Every file on my workstation with team.process.deliver in the name is under some workspace folder and under that the .metadata. None are .jar files; all are xsd files.
.metadata/.plugins/com.ibm.team.process.ide.ui/schemacache/com.ibm.team.process.deliver.server.requireWorkItemApproval8803667896799091763.xsdI don't know or I might have answered; If they are necessary I would have expected them tto be part of the SCM command 'environment'
"My local rtc repo was created using the scm cli tool"
Could you provide the steps you used to install your command line client and then create the local rtc repo?
I believe the client-side precondition behavior cannot be executed in the command line client (so it is not a case of missing plug-ins). So in order to use the command line client to perform the deliver, you would need to declare in the Process Configuration of your project/team area that these preconditions are "optional".
@sdimitro I downloaded the rtc client 4.0.5 for linux. I unzipped the download which contained the lscm and scm executables. This is what I used to download my repo by following the directions in this article. I made some changes to my repo and checked them in. After the checkin I added a comment to the changeset. I then associated the change set with a work item. I completed the changeset then I tried to deliver. Over the weekend the RTC web was updated from version 4.0.2 to 4.0.5 and I think some permissions must have been changed that would not allow me to deliver any longer.
@gmclemm is it possible for me to set the Process Configuration locally with some sort of configuration file before I make a delivery?
The only way to make the client-side deliver check optional is to specify it in the process configuration of the team/project area that owns that stream.
@gmclemm There is also a "User may overrule" flag for this specific action. Do you know how to overrule this requirement from the command line?
I do not believe that the command line gives you a way to take advantage of the "User may overrule" functionality, but it certainly is a reasonable enhancement to request. So I believe that the only way at the moment for a command line deliver to succeed would be if none of the Deliver(client) preconditions have the "Fail if not installed" box checked.
Deliver(client) is the operation that is run on the client.
Deliver(server) is the operation that is run on the server.
When a precondition is defined, part of the definition states whether it is triggered by Deliver(client) or Deliver(server).
So the decision of whether it will be run on the client or server is made by the implementer of the precondition, not by the user that invokes the Deliver operation.