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Publish Asset option is not available in Design Explorer of Rational Software Architect

Javaria Hameed (403847) | asked Jan 29 '14, 6:41 a.m.

I want to publish a UML model/package but Publish Asset option is not available in Design Explorer of Rational Software Architect.

RSA is integrated to DM server already, any help??

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Andrey Karaulov (1861) | answered Jan 30 '14, 2:20 p.m.
 Hi Javaria,

You can upload your model to DM server by performing the following steps:
1. You have to create an actively managed project on DM server
2. You have to associate this project with RSA domains
3. By using RSA Eclipse Client you have to establish connection to the DM server.
4. Being in the "Project Explorer" you have to right-click on the model and select "Upload to Server" menu item.
5. Select the project you create on step 1 as a target.


Francois-xavier Panaget commented Jan 30 '14, 2:45 p.m.

Additionally to Andrey's reply, check the following link on the RSA infocenter: Upload a project to the Design Management Server under the section Collaborating on model design using Rational Software Architect Extension for Design Management

Javaria Hameed commented Jan 31 '14, 3:55 a.m.

thanks Andrey. But the thing is I need to Publish an Asset, uploading is something different.

Francois-xavier Panaget commented Jan 31 '14, 3:23 p.m. | edited Jan 31 '14, 3:23 p.m.

Hi Javaria,
Publish asset, yes sorry. The option is only available in the project explorer and active when you have installed the (Rational Asset Manager) RAM client in RSA.
But you still need to upload your project to DM to be able to link the Asset to DM artifact. See the image for example using RSA 8.5.5, RAM and DM client 4.0.5

You can check the following link in our deployment wiki to install the RAM client in RSA if you do not have it already:

I hope this is what you were looking for.
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