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RRDI "No Data Available"

cahya perdana (111) | asked Jan 26 '14, 11:35 p.m.
Hey guys,

I need some help in RRDI. I want to make a custom report in CLM, but there is a problem with RRDI. When I use query studio there are no data available. I have used data collection job to copy data from CLM database to data warehouse RRDI and the application said successful, but when I check again there are still no data available.I am using WEBSPHERE as web server application, and DB2 as Database for CLM and RRDI. can anyone help me to solve this problem?

here's a picture from my query studio

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Francesco Chiossi (5.7k11119) | answered Jan 27 '14, 4:14 a.m.
Hello Cahya,

for this kind of problem, the first things that I would check are the following:

1) Does the data collection jobs run successfully in CLM?
See the admin page of JTS/CCM and QM > Reports > Data Collection Job Status
This is how the data warehouse is populated.

2) Does the user that is logged into RRDI have access to project areas in CLM?
This if you are using the data model with security.

3) You can also check if there is data in the data warehouse, for example by checking tables like RIODS.REQUEST contains data (this should contain reference to RTC workitems for example).

4) Check that you are using the same data warehouse database for CLM and RRDI.

Best Regards,

Francesco Chiossi

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