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Why does build toolkit installed via Installation Manager have JRE

Ian Wark (79713553) | asked Jan 23 '14, 12:18 a.m.
I recently installed the RTC 4.0.5 build system toolkit via Installation Manager 1.7.1 and found that if you select to install the Java 1.6, you will have a JRE installed and not a JDK as in e.g. the RTC 4.0.5 Eclipse client.

The wiki recommends to use a JDK as per below. Is there a reason why checking the box installs a JRE and not JDK? Should we be using the JRE installed with the build system toolkit, rather than the JDK with the Eclipse client?

What is the recommended JDK to use with the build engine, and how is this specified?

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Jan 23 '14, 2:52 a.m.
 Hello Ian
while i don't have the answer to your question,
let's remember that development wikis are... development wikis:
- might contain incorrect or obsolete information
- not officially supported

I don't see the requested information on
You may possibly ask for it to be added.


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