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Archive Feature in RTC 4.0

Aron Sajan Philip (155) | asked Jan 22 '14, 7:36 a.m.


    I am using RTC version 3.0.1. I came across a situation wherein, my server is about to run out of space. I am planning to migrate to RTC version 4.0. So I want to know whether RTC 4.0 or any later variants has a feature to archive a stream or a component such that the archived components can be exported out of RTC which I can store in some separate storage medium. Moreover, this exported archive should at any time be capable of importing back to RTC such that its history and other related meta-data should be preserved.

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jan 22 '14, 7:43 a.m.
Hi Aron

All the data in RTC is stored in the database (with the exception of log files and some external indices)  - so check if it is your database server or your app server that is running out of space.

I am not aware of any capability to archive components in the way you want - but you may be able to get some space back in other ways. 

If is is the server running RTC (ie the app server part) - check things like the logs - you may have very large log files built up over time if these are not recycled every now and then.  There may be other content you can remove from the machine.  Similarly, there may be things you can do on the database server machine to help free up space.

If everything is on one machine - consider moving the database off to another machine - you should also see performance improvements if you do this.

There may be other ways, but that is where I would start.



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