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Jazz Data Warehouse on Oracle Exadata

We have Oracle installed on an Exadata machine.
We use it as the back-end database for JTS, CCM and QM applications (versions 4.0.5)
The problem arises when we try to configure the Data Warehouse: the setup wizard asks to provide a folder on the db server filesystem to contain the DW table spaces that the wizard will create.
Unluckily, it seems that Exadata has not a real filesystem associated....
Any workarounds?
Accepted answer

Please read the following doc. You will find instructions on how to generate the data warehouse DDL and Upgrade scripts. Once generated, you can edit the setup scripts and change how the table spaces get created (though you need to use the same names).
After creating the data warehouse manually using the generated scripts, you may still have to specify a folder for the data files. But that folder will not be used.
One other answer

Hi Luca,
I am not much familiar with Oracle Exadata, but if creating Oracle tablespaces in advance is possible, then maybe you should look into the jazz.net article -- https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/MoreControlOverTheOracleDataWarehouseSetup. It has a section called 'Modifying the Tablespace creation step".