server side plugins not loading, 4.0.4, help

time to start back on my extensions and other plugins.
download 4.0.4, IM bundle, and IM.
install server, start server, setup server.. all is good.. everything works.
add a folder under server/conf/ccm/sites (company-site)
add a new ini file to the provision_profiles folder.
requestreset on the ccm.
stop and restart the server.
and nothing...
no errors in ccm.log and no plugin loaded.
this has worked since (and worked on 4.0.3 a couple weeks ago).
anything change ?
sam detweiler
Jan 10 '14, 4:52 p.m.I edited the ini file and made a typo, restarted the server and have errors in the log..
sam detweiler
Jan 11 '14, 10:39 a.m.this worked perfectly on hm
side question..
where does the text shown in the Eclipse client as 'description' for each of the advisors come from? the only field I see is the Information field in the Feature plugin.xml.
sam detweiler
Jan 11 '14, 6:58 p.m.description is an element of the plugin xml not exposed in the extension UI
if u look at the schema, it lists the layout
(sad that u have to view the schema)
<plugin><extension point="">
<operationAdvisor class=""
name="All Dependencies Resolved"
<description>Requires that a work item can only be resolved if all of its dependent workitems are resolved.</description>
sam detweiler
Jan 17 '14, 6:27 a.m.sorry, another 'hidden' right click..
in the plugin editor, right click on the extension definition to add the description element.