OpenShift and Jazz Hub Integration
2 answers
OpenShift uses git for deployment, so if the project is backed by a git repo, then you should just be able to add a remote that points at your OpenShift instance and do a standard git push to get it there. Here's an article (which looks to be a bit out of date now) that shows how to do this with Orion (the open source base for the JazzHub web IDE):
... I just tried deploying to Heroku from a project at that was backed by a GitHub repo. Basically, all I had to do was click the "More" button in the "Push All" popup (on the Git Status page) and enter "heroku/master" as the branch (and give it my SSH key). I haven't worked with OpenShift, but I suspect it would be similar.
I'm not sure what the best way to get started is if you're using Jazz SCM, although I have been able to actually store a git repo (i.e. including the ".git" directory) *inside* a Jazz project. It's a bit odd, but it would make the separation clear (i.e. Jazz SCM for source code, Git for deployment). I haven't tried this though.