Setting Iteration programmatically for Burndown Widget
Accepted answer
You can fetch them like fetching any other item from the repository:
IItemManager.fetchCompleteItem(IItemHandle itemHandle, int flags,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamRepositoryException;
To get an instance of IItemManager, use ITeamRepository.itemManager().
To create the itemHandle do the following:
IQueryDescriptor.ITEM_TYPE.createItemHandle(UUID itemId, UUID optionalStateId).
3 other answers
RTC does not expose APIs guaranteed to work in the future for setting report parameters. But if you can explain what you are trying to achieve may be there is a better way.
My guess is you are trying to make the Burndown widget automatically configure its self to always use the current iteration. This can be done by setting the Timeline parameter to ONE particular timeline and setting the Iteration parameter to the current iteration by clicking the "Current Iteration": check box.
This will work since timelines usually have only one current iteration.
Thanks Rafik for your reply. I've created a small app to set a given iteration for a given project but I need an api to be able to set the burndown report parameters iterations. Even if the apis are not public could you please share them?
Is this app a client written in Java that uses the java client APIs?
Or is this a web ui written in javascript and HTML?
I'm using the plain java client apis.