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How to fetch from data sets only some selected value in a Birt report

Mathieu Defianas (15952938) | asked Jun 03 '14, 11:14 a.m.
edited Jun 03 '14, 11:17 a.m.
I have created a BIRT report on RTC 4.0.0. which prints some details from only some workitems.
So I have created a parameter on my BIRT report. The values of this parameter are set when report is executed by a user selection of some Workitems.
No problem, I have correctly my selected values on my parameter.
Then I use this values on each Data Sets with a filter. I use for example this syntax :

This syntax is correct and returns wanted values because I can use the operator "IN".

However, this is a filter and I have just learnt that filter is applied after data sets is fetched ... So if many many data are reported from data sets, the filter is useless...

I have discovered that it's better to use a parameter because data are filtered with this parameter before data sets are fetched ... And so many data are not returned !!!

Problem : how can I use an operator as "IN" in the parameter configuration window ...
I see that I can set a specific value but not a value which is stored on a parameter list.

Thanks for your help


One answer

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Bill Taylor (1441535) | answered Jun 03 '14, 3:44 p.m.
If you use a Jazz Advanced Data Set, create a parameter (WI_ID_FILTER say) with a value linked to the parameter, then in the filter box, type:


Mathieu Defianas commented Jun 03 '14, 3:49 p.m.

Thanks Bill for this response. It works for filter but I would like to use a parameter in order of a filter.
In fact, with the parameter, the selection is done before than data are fetched whereas filter is applied after all data are collected ...
So I would like to use parameter with multi value but the operator IN should not be available.

Bill Taylor commented Jun 03 '14, 4:02 p.m.

There are two filters in a data set. The filter tab gives you a post-fetch filter - not sure how useful this is. But the Filter section in the main tab is a pre-fetch filter I believe.

I'm not sure I fully understand your response. A multi-value text parameter is a bit tricky and I'm not sure Integer fields support the use of "in"

Mathieu Defianas commented Jun 03 '14, 4:05 p.m.

I am going to explore this new filter tomorrow.
Thanks a lot

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