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Plan view is loading too many workitems

Adriano Fanelli (2333029) | asked Dec 19 '13, 5:56 a.m.
edited Dec 19 '13, 7:00 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
When launching a team plan in Taskboard mode then initially the page seems to load well (proper items), but very quickly it seems to be loading much more items from the whole project which makes this page useless for us.
if you shift-refresh the page, that workitem is right at the top initially!
Any suggestion is appreciated, Thanks, Adriano

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Dec 19 '13, 6:59 a.m.

Hi Adriano,
I know that there were some improvements in planning in versions 3.0.1.x. What is exactly your current RTC version?

Adriano Fanelli commented Dec 19 '13, 7:34 a.m.

sorry .. I forgot to say that the version is RTC 4.0.3

Adriano Fanelli commented Dec 19 '13, 9:10 a.m.

an update ... when if I refresh the query comes good
but only for a little while, then the whole mess starts over again .

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Millard Ellingsworth (2.5k12431) | answered Dec 31 '13, 3:20 p.m.
The items retrieved for a plan are based on the owner and iteration. If the owner is a team area with sub-team areas, all of those items will be collected into the plan. If the iteration has sub-iterations, all items planned for them will be collected into the plan. If both of those are true, obviously you could get an explosion of work items in the plan. There is also a checkbox in the plan for "Include all items" -- is it checked? The plan is likely loading items asynchronously (so you don't have to wait for everything before you can start looking at it.

Check that your plan configuration matches the team and iteration you care about and that "Include all items" is not checked. If you are getting items that really don't match the plan configuration, that is a defect and worth reporting.

Kevin Ramer commented Jan 02 '14, 3:41 p.m.

The "Include all items" is unchecked.  However, until I choose

  • Resolved Items
  • Items from sub-teams
  • Items from sub-iterations
from the Exclude, the plan view spins for a bit.  I'm recommending the use of some exclusions to the RTC users.   Just the 3rd adds ~1500 to the count of excluded items.

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