RTC Planning: Difference between the accumulated time calculation between the Scrum and Formal projects.
One answer
For sequence value, ranking, item-type, target, and blocks_workitem affect accumulated time, I can see how they would affect scheduling, but how do they affect accumulated time?
1 vote
The Accumulated Time is the output of the dates calculated from the Scheduler. Hence the Attributes mentioned will affect the values of Accumulated time as well.
This is an important question, but I don't think it's fully answered here or in the docs/articles I've found so far.
For example, I didn't see Work Allocation mentioned here, but I'm pretty sure it's an input to the math for accumulated time.
Is there a good reference article for the agile scheduler's approach to accumulated time?
We're using OpenUp in so something relevant to that would be perfect but anything that would help explain how the accumulated time works for non-FPM scenarios would be greatly appreciated.
1 vote