Rational Rhapsody 8.0 Not keeping Manual Merge Changes
I am trying to merge files from an old branch in ClearCase into a new one in Rational Rhapsody. I works and I can observe the correct files are now in the new branch but if I close it and re-open it the changes are gone and I become tearfully frustrated again.
Here is the method I am wrongfully using:
I make sure no files are checked out from either view or branch.
model> ct lsco -rec -cview #this looks at the current view to find checked out files.
then I do the merge with command in the directory I want to merge
cleartool findmerge . -fver .../wgo_subsys.FW_REV.140/LATEST -merge -gmerge -nc -follow
I brings up the
manual merge gui and I click on the parts I want to bring from left to right.
Once this is complete I click "save" and then exit out of the tool.
I check in all changes but I keep getting the message:
cleartool: warning: version checked in is not selected by view.
But it all that's open.
I would very much appreciate any help on this matter I am very frustrated.
Thank you