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How to I prevent duplication of defects when using custom attributes in Rational Insight

Brandy Guillory (5311925) | asked Dec 13 '13, 4:06 p.m.
edited Dec 13 '13, 4:11 p.m. by Fariz Saracevic (919613)
I have built a report in Rational Insight. I am trying to pull two custom attributes, the problem is when I add the field request string extension name and value, both the custom attributes appear in the same column for "name", which causes duplication of my defect data because I am filtering on these two attributes. I would like "custom attribute 1" to appear in its own column with its own "value"  and "custom attribute 2" to appear in its own column with its own "value". Is this possible?

Fariz Saracevic commented Dec 13 '13, 4:12 p.m.

Hi Brandy, you question is not related to JazzHub. I have removed jazzhub tag.

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Jackie Albert (1.6k14947) | answered Dec 17 '13, 2:06 p.m.
Hi Brandi - this is possible.   Unfortunately you will have to have 2 separate queries, one for each custom attribute, and then join them together to get the final result with both of the attributes and their values.
Brandy Guillory selected this answer as the correct answer

Brandy Guillory commented Dec 17 '13, 3:55 p.m.

thank you jackie for your response, you are very knowledgeable!  I will give this a shot and let you know

Brandy Guillory commented Jan 06 '14, 5:27 p.m.

Hi Jackie, I am having trouble with the join. This is what I have done, I have created one join called "custom attributes" with request string ext name, request string ext value which pulls the information duplicated.

I created a second join called "custom attributes 2" which has request string ext name1, request string ext value2

I then created a third join called "combined custom attributes" joining custom attributes, and custom attributes 2 in which combined custom attributes had the contents of the other two tables(not sure if i was supposed to do that). When i try to paste these new fields in my original query to put them in my report, i get an error when i run on the filter. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

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