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Specifying a link to a source file in workitem

Amir Bar-or (1513026) | asked Feb 27 '09, 9:01 a.m.
I want to specify in a workitem a certain file that is in the jazz source control . The workitem does not change that file , it is just related , or an input for this workitem. I don't want to use attachment since this will just create a copy of the file, rather than a link to latest version ...

9 answers

permanent link
Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Mar 02 '09, 8:56 a.m.
In the RTC Eclipse client, select a file and from the context menu open the Properties. Under Jazz Source Control there is a URL for the file. You can past this into a web browser.

John Weber commented Oct 04 '12, 5:10 p.m.

I notice that the URL includes a workspace specification. I'm wondering if I can get a link to the latest version in the stream? 

permanent link
Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Mar 17 '09, 9:46 a.m.
Trying again to get attention : We are trying to see if we can use Jazz to host our design documents as part of the plan items. However, we will need the provide web access to those documents . Is there an easy way to get a URL for these versioned docs?

permanent link
Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Mar 02 '09, 7:56 a.m.
trying again, I am looking for something like a url to the repository. For instance this link will work with svn:

Does Jazz files are addressable via a URL?

permanent link
Jakub Jurkiewicz (59632) | answered Mar 02 '09, 8:48 a.m.
I want to specify in a workitem a certain file that is in the jazz source control . The workitem does not change that file , it is just related , or an input for this workitem. I don't want to use attachment since this will just create a copy of the file, rather than a link to latest version ...

Have you tried dragging the file from the Package Explorer to the WI editor?

kind regards,

permanent link
Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Mar 12 '09, 3:20 p.m.
In the RTC Eclipse client, select a file and from the context menu open the Properties. Under Jazz Source Control there is a URL for the file. You can past this into a web browser.

The link from the property editor works only in the RTC client (sourcecontrol://jazz/default/base/documents/XMLMapperStage%20UI%20Client%20Server%20Interface%20Specification.doc), but it doesn't work from a web browser. How do I email a link to the document? It seems that through navigating the repository through the web UI I can find a link that works with some hashcodes , but I believe Jazz need to facilitate this better.

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 18 '09, 12:22 a.m.
Jean-Michel responded about 10 days ago with the post:

In the RTC Eclipse client, select a file and from the context menu
open the Properties. Under Jazz Source Control there is a URL for the
file. You can paste this into a web browser.

Did this not work for you?


abaror wrote:
Trying again to get attention : We are trying to see if we can use
Jazz to host our design documents as part of the plan items.
However, we will need the provide web access to those documents . Is
there an easy way to get a URL for these versioned docs?

permanent link
Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Mar 18 '09, 8:26 a.m.
These are the URLs that I see in the properties under source control

1. Location URI : sourcecontrol://jazz/default/base/documents/UIDesign_XMLPack3.doc
2+3. location full path/remote path : /base/documents/UIDesign_XMLPack3.doc
4. repositoryURI :

None of them is an https:// url to the doc. The first URI only works for the eclipse client that knows how to interpret sourcecontrol , but doesn't make any sense for web browser.

Jean-Michel responded about 10 days ago with the post:

In the RTC Eclipse client, select a file and from the context menu
open the Properties. Under Jazz Source Control there is a URL for the
file. You can paste this into a web browser.

Did this not work for you?


abaror wrote:
Trying again to get attention : We are trying to see if we can use
Jazz to host our design documents as part of the plan items.
However, we will need the provide web access to those documents . Is
there an easy way to get a URL for these versioned docs?

permanent link
Jean-Michel Lemieux (2.5k11) | answered Mar 18 '09, 11:54 p.m.
The URL that you want is the one that looks like an actual hyperlink and is called "Web URL".

permanent link
Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Mar 19 '09, 7:04 a.m.
The URL that you want is the one that looks like an actual hyperlink and is called "Web URL".

ok , what confused me and others is that this looks in the eclipse like this:

"Open in Source Control Web UI" which is seems more like a button , you need to do right click and copy , in order to see the real URL. I would think that if you D&D the doc to the workitem , you should use that URL rather than the sourcecontrol:\\ since this would work in both web and RTC.

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