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Missing default report templates

Davin Holmes (611) | asked Jun 08 '09, 11:30 p.m.
I've been using several RTC projects for some time, with multiple development lines, team areas and releases. The default report templates have always been present via Team Artifacts -> Project X -> Reports -> Report Templates.

This morning they have all disappeared from one project (they are visible in all the others), and I cannot see any simple way of getting them back. I have tried the "Update from folder..." option and specifying the
directory with no luck.

RTC server platform is using Tomcat/DB2.

2 answers

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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Jun 09 '09, 11:29 a.m.
On 6/8/2009 11:37 PM, daholmez wrote:
I've been using several RTC projects for some time, with multiple
development lines, team areas and releases. The default report
templates have always been present via Team Artifacts -> Project X
-> Reports -> Report Templates.

This morning they have all disappeared from one project (they are
visible in all the others), and I cannot see any simple way of
getting them back. I have tried the "Update from folder..."
option and specifying the
directory with no luck.

RTC server platform is using Tomcat/DB2.

We had this happen to another user, and it turned out that the Team area
which the report templates were associated with got Archived, and the
"Include Archived" flag was turned off in the Team Artifacts view. Is
this the case for you?

(Update from folder... only updates existing report templates that it
can find, it doesn't discover missing ones. Although in 2.0 we have
added another menu action that does help you discover report templates
that aren't deployed in the process area already).

RTC Reports Team Lead

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Davin Holmes (611) | answered Jun 10 '09, 8:16 p.m.

We had this happen to another user, and it turned out that the Team area
which the report templates were associated with got Archived, and the
"Include Archived" flag was turned off in the Team Artifacts view. Is
this the case for you?

(Update from folder... only updates existing report templates that it
can find, it doesn't discover missing ones. Although in 2.0 we have
added another menu action that does help you discover report templates
that aren't deployed in the process area already).

RTC Reports Team Lead

Yes, that was it, thanks.

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