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Anyone using its-rtc Gerrit hooks

Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | asked Mar 18 '16, 2:01 p.m.
Is anyone out there using these hooks for integration with RTC?
RTC provides its own hooks out of the box so I'm curious to see if anyone is using the above and if so, why?

2 answers

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Kohji Ohsawa (5951310) | answered Mar 25 '16, 1:33 a.m.
Hi Rosa,

I have never heard about that hooks at least in Japanese space. Are you thinking to use it?

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Michael Stadlbauer (631) | answered Jul 20 '16, 11:10 a.m.
Hello Rosa,
do you refer to the hooks of the GIT-RTC-Integration-package? I was wondering if these can be used in a gerrit environment as gerrit does not rely on the ootb git-hooks mechanism but brings in it's own hook management. Did you had the opportunity to get some experience on it?
I'm happy about any information on this topic,

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