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Unknown showing up on workspace in RTC

Accepted answer


Thanks Geoffrey.

Let me rephrase as a question: I have one stream where a file has the path /x/y/z.txt. I have another stream where the directory /x/y has been renamed /z/y.new, so the same file in that other stream has the path /x/y.new/z.txt. Pick some change set that contains a modification to file z.txt. What is the path for that file? It depends on what stream you are talking about.
What the various GUI's will often do is to pick some stream and workspace (such as in the case of Eclipse, the workspace you currently have loaded), and will display the path of that file in that stream/workspace (if it contains the file). As I recall, some of the GUI's automatically associate a "link property" to the Change-Set link, storing the workspace in which the change set is created, and some GUI's use that workspace (if it exists, and the use has access to it) to determine the pathname.

We have project members that need to look at change sets of defects. This is done through the WebUI starting with a Defect and navigating through the Change Sets on the Links tab of the Work Item.
Some people on the project get 'Unknown Workspace' as in the example above. Others (me included) have another Developer's workspace path listed.
Why are members of the same project treated differently? Is there any way for a user to specify a path to be used?

The WebUI can embed a workspace/stream in the URL to provide a context for determining file names. So the first thing I'd look for is the exact URL being used by the different developers. For example:
would use the specified workspace for determining pathnames.
2 other answers

lscm deliver -s <workspace_name or UUID> -r <repository> -c <changeset UUID or alias>

To my knowledge, a "deliver" command does not modify the change-set being delivered in any way (it just modifies the stream/workspace that is the target of the deliver). If that is true, adding a parameter to a deliver command should not change the way a change set is displayed in the Web UI. Do you have screen shots of before/after running this command, showing the pathname being different before/after?