RRC 4.0.3 addon installation is faild
I tryed RRC Addon into Firefox at customer site. After the installation process was completed, an information message indicating that the browser must be restarted before attempting to edit the artifact. But, when I try to edit graphical artifacts, CRRRW7382E is occured. We can not edit any graphical artifacts.
I uninstalled RRC Addon, and tryed to install it again. But I can not edit any graphical artifacts. Whether I performed installation as system management account or not,This error occures.
Customer have two types of machines. One is JRE 1.6 and the other is JRE 1.7. ( each machine has only one JRE) This error occured both machines.
I have read following article and have already tryed some recommended tasks.
(1) check system requirements -> OK
Firefox 17.0.9 (32bit) is supported.
* There is no other addon in Firefox.
(2) Ensuredthe following settings under the Content tab of Options are enabled -> OK
• Load images automatically
• Enable JavaScript
Thank you in advance.
3 answers
additional information.
I configured same environment,on our test machine. i.e, Firefos 17.0.9 , JRE1.6 , and no java plugin is installed on these browsers. The error is occured,
But when I installed Java Addon in firefox, there is no error and we can edit graphical artifacts.
- Java plugin is required for browser to use RRC addon ?
Thank you for your answers. :-)
related information
REGRESSION:Launching java using the jvm.dll no longer works without msvcr71.dll in the system path