Moving Workitems from Project area A to Project area B
I am using rtc 4.0 and I have 2 project areas. Now I am trying to move some workitems from one project area to another using the eclipse client. There seems to be a problem with the 'Enumeration' attribute.
In project area A , there is a enumeration called projects which contains some values. Now to while moving I got an error stating ' Attribute not found in target project area, hence it will be value will be unassigned'. So what I did was created the same attribute with the same ID ,added the values in the enumeration and added it to the presentation in Project area B.
Now I try to move but for some reason I still get the same error. Is it not possible to move enumeration attributes ?
Vishnu M
4 answers
Hi Eric,
I ended up doing this.. but this is a workaround.. Is it not possible to do it directly ? Instead a csv export & import for this attribute alone
Thanks again
Vishnu, you could try that, however the trick would be to get a mapping from the original work item ID (with the export for the enumeration) to the new work item ID. If you get that wrong, your values end up on the wrong items. The CSV import allows you to update existing work items, but you need the correct number/ID.
Ralph, I was using the BulkMoveWorkitem plugin in my eclipse client to do this operation. I created the enumeration attributes in the target project area with the same ID and also same enumeration ID. However when I move workitems , except the enumeration attributes all the other values get moved fine with no problems.
Error : Enumeration attribute not found (though it is present). I double checked the ID's but still was not able to move.
Thanks for your response.
Hello Vishnu,
For our current project also we have this feature implemented. I am attaching the screen shot for your reference.
In our project we have this option for moving a particular work item into TRASH project area as delete option is not there.
For both the project areas we have a mandatory field - Filed Against.
Having choosing the move option it will throw warning message saying "attribute not found" clicking OK will let you move to other project area.
Adding on to above comment, In our project what we have done is
We have not created any specific mapping between TRASH (which is a simple Project area) and other PA.
We have just tried to keep the maximum number of fields available in other PA in TRASH.
The aim is to let all fields optional in TRASH in order to avoid potential problem after the move.
And Delete workitem including in bulk works now. (we use it all the time during testing)
The key is the CopyToProjectAreaOperation class in the RTC SDK. is found in the* plugin,* subarchive, and the com/ibm/team/workitem/rcp/ui/internal/wizards directory. This is enough of the brains behind moving a workitem between project, and can be adapted to even include changing workflows of work items.
Then I created a class that takes callbacks when a copy problem has been found, and modifies the work item's working copy accordingly. For example, missing attributes, non-matching Filed-Against, that kind of thing.
For each work item in the list:
1. Disable all email to owner, creator, and subscribers
2. Create the working copy
3. Call CopyToProjectAreaOperation to get the list of copy problems
4. For each CopyProblem instance, attempt to resolve it
5. Run a final check on the working copy, because some attributes aren't set correctly, even without a CopyProblem
6. Save the working copy, looking for errors on save
With plenty of logging and tracking, it's pretty easy to do this gradually across multiple executions. If you're going to disable email make sure to store the user's preferences beforehand, since some disable their mail notifications already, and you don't want to re-enable them incorrectly.
Susan's team's solution may be better, but this worked with the code that I've already written internally.