Error 409 and 500 while linking requirements to RQM testcases

We have RQM 4.0.3 and DOORS 9.4. Linking to DOORS requirements works fine without any issues to other RQM project A but that is not the case with project B of RQM and specific module X in DOORS.
Linking requirements from other modules to project B works fine.
linking req from module X to project A does not work.
We get the following two errors while saving the links:
Unable to load /qm/proxy?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fclm%3A8080%2Fdwa%2Frm%2Furn%3Arational%3A%3A1-504dd9b9029f2803-M-00000080 status:409
Unable to load /qm/proxy?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fclm%3A8080%2Fdwa%2Frm%2Furn%3Arational%3A%3A1-504dd9b9029f2803-M-00000080 status:500
I understand that most of you would say that either its configuration problem or access rights is the problem.
But I don't feel so because linking works fine without issues for one project so why it doesnt work for the other project.
Secondly, for error 409 user has full access on the module and once the user again clicks on save "it works fine".
Same is with error 500 at the moment.
4 answers

Paul Slauenwhite
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 25 '13, 7:44 a.m.Can you check the RQM and DOORS logs for related error messages?
Amit Garg
Nov 26 '13, 5:37 a.m.2013-11-22 10:20:42,119 [WebContainer : 24 @@ 10:20 502221823 /qm/service/] ERROR
Amit Garg
Nov 26 '13, 5:39 a.m.CalmRequirementRestService:postUpdateCalmRequirementsModifiedTimes AQXRQ5002E Failed to update lastModifiedTime for Requirement URI: https://req-mgmt:443/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-39c72c502c551fa5-O-785-0001c481, it failed because of: Can't find out the CalmRequirment by project (stateId: [UUID _7kUkQFKKEeO1K6RjLa6WUQ], itemId: [UUID _9ZXil4vSEeKB0qnGvEIVYA], origin: <unset>, immutable: true) (contextId: [UUID _9ZXil4vSEeKB0qnGvEIVYA], modified: 2013-11-21 08:57:20.772, workingCopy: <unset> (mergePredecessor: null, workingCopyPredecessor: <unset>, workingCopyMergePredecessor: <unset>, predecessor: [UUID _955X0VEGEeO1K6RjLa6WUQ]) (descSummary: Sample Project V9 in DOORS, archived: false, name: Sample Project, uniqueName: Sample Project(JTS-Sentinel-Id)) (isInitialized: true, internalPublic: false, internalVisibleToMembers: true, internalVisibleToAccessList: false, owningApplicationKey: JTS-Sentinel-Id, internalIs