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[closed] Move a file from a change set in the outgoing

jeanie Keen (132123) | asked Nov 11 '13, 10:32 a.m.
closed Nov 11 '13, 10:40 a.m. by Tim Mok (6.6k38)

I am working with Code Drops that both groups are working on the same code base at the same time.  We are provided a complete base of code.  We need to import the code we are provided and merge it into our current code base but the tricky part is we only take the code we want.

Created a import stream and work space using a component.

Created a development stream and delivered the initial code drop using the same component.

everything is setup for the initial load.,  Now time to take the second drop of code.

We import into the import stream and share the project

create new changesets.  check in and deliver

create snapshot and deliver

now we move to our integration stream using the flow target from the development stream.  We accept all changes.

change the flow target to the import now we have incoming from the import   We need to be able to move some of the changes to an incoming new change set in the integration workspace if we determine it is not needed to be merged in with our base of code.

How do we move a file from an incoming changeset to another one in the integration stream?

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by tmok Nov 11 '13, 10:40 a.m.